1、Torque is one of the most important parameters of motor. In order to use the motor correctly, it must be measured accurately. Torque measurement is very important for the development and research of mechanical products, Test Analysis, quality inspection, type identification, energy saving, safety or optimal control. Torque measuring instrument is an indispensable tool in scientific research department and industrial production process. Based on the basic principle of angular torque measurement, a photoelectric dynamic torque measurement system is designed by using a photoelectric encoder. According to the principle of material mechanics, the relation between torsion angle and Torque is derived, and the measuring device is arranged as a set of transmitting and receiving elements of a photoelectric code disc installed at both ends of the torsion shaft, the optical signals generated during the rotation are converted into periodic electrical signals. A signal processing circuit is designed for problems such as weak intensity and easy interference of photoelectric conversion signals. High performance operational amplifier are used to reduce the amplification, filtering and shaping circuit design, external interference and pulse jitter of photoelectric signals, thus, the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results can be effectively guaranteed. The key part of the hardware is the AT89C52 microcontroller. According to the internal clock of the Microcontroller, it reads the pulse time difference through the internal timer, and then converts it into the phase difference of the two-way Pulse, which is stored on the PC and sent. The host computer uses the LabVIEW software to design the virtual soft panel, and receives the data on the single-chip microcomputer through the serial communication program to realize the functions of real-time waveform display, history data calling and data processing, therefore, the system intelligence is improved and the cost of hardware resource usage is reduced. The experiment and data analysis show that the whole measurement system runs stably, the control part is simple, the real-time performance is good, and the measurement result is accurate. In this case, the measuring instrument in the field of Torque measurement has a high practicality, development prospects are also great.。
论文摘要翻译软件_论文摘要翻译在线1、Torqueisoneofthemostimportantparametersofmotor I
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